
How to Be a Gardener episode 2

How to Be a Gardener episode 2: Think of your garden as a theatrical production. It's all right - you don't need any artistic training. You are aiming for a variety show that lasts a long time, offers year-round interest and alleviates boredom. The way to achieve this is to use a wide range of plants: from trees and shrubs to climbers, perennials, annuals and bulbs. What's the difference between them, and what can each of them bring to your garden? Here's where you can find out, and you can also discover why we use Latin names, and just what they mean. How to Be a Gardener is a BBC documentary series presented by gardener Alan Titchmarsh, providing a complete online guide gardening for beginners. Let's face it, gardening can be pretty daunting. All those Latin names, the bugs and blights that can attack your plants just when they are looking their prettiest. How does anyone manage to grow anything? The series consists of eight 30-minute long episodes that cover ever

Secrets of World War II episode 7

Secrets of World War II episode 7: By early 1940, British codebreakers at Bletchley Park, working with information from the Poles, had begun to crack the German military codes produced on the Enigma cipher machine. Once this had been achieved, the challenge was how to prevent the Germans from finding out their codes had been broken. It was transmitted on a top-secret device capable of scrambling a message millions of different ways. The German high command was absolutely certain it was impossible to break. But the Allies did crack the enigma code, helping to shorten the war by years and save countless lives. How did Allied code-breakers decipher the unbreakable code? And why did their amazing accomplishment, "Cracking the Enigma Codes," remain classified for thirty years. Find out how a tool originally designed for business became the world's most sophisticated military coding machine. Meet the mathematicians, chess masters and eccentrics of Britain's top-secret Bletc

Ancient Aliens – S19 E02 | The Crop Circle Code

Ancient Aliens – S19 E02 | The Crop Circle Code: More than 10,000 crop circle formations have been documented in over 50 countries, and many display properties that defy conventional explanations. Are they of otherworldly origin? And if so, what is their purpose? Could it be that reconnection with our alien ancestors will only come when we finally crack the crop circle code? Ancient Aliens is an American television series that premiered on April 20, 2010, on the History channel. Produced by Prometheus Entertainment in a  documentary  style, the program presents hypotheses of  ancient astronauts  and proposes that historical texts, archaeology, and legends contain evidence of past human-extraterrestrial contact. The show has been widely criticized by historians, cosmologists, archaeologists and other scientific circles for presenting and promoting pseudoscience, pseudohistory and  pseudoarcheology .

Secrets of World War II episode 5

Secrets of World War II episode 5: In 1942 a reconnaissance Spitfire photographed a strange shaped piece of German apparatus in a Normandy field. It turned out to be a sophisticated German radar system whose secrets had to be discovered. On the night of February 27, 1942, British paratroopers dropped into snowcovered fields along the coast of France. Their mission: to capture a top secret German radar installation near the town of Bruneval. Relive the astonishing nighttime attack--and discover how it played a vital role in the Allied bombing offensive against Hitler's Reich in "The Bruneval Raid."

Secrets of World War II episode 6

Secrets of World War II episode 6: He was nicknamed the 'Desert Fox' and highly decorated by Hitler. However, Rommel was not in sympathy with the Nazi party and may have been involved in the plot to kill Hitler. Did the legendary German General commit suicide or was he murdered? On October 14, 1944, Germany's greatest military leader said goodbye to his beloved wife and son, then drove away with two officers sent by Adolf Hitler. Just moments later, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel was dead. Was it suicide...or retribution? Why would the Fuhrer order the death of his one-time supporter and close ally? Discover the fascinating details of "What Really Happened to Rommel?" Learn how a brave and potentially fatal act of defiance brought Rommel into Hitler's inner circle. Ride along with the famed "Ghost Division" across the African sands to see how the great tactician used a brilliant combination of bluffs, subterfuge and lightning-strike attacks to achieve hi

How to Be a Gardener episode 1

How to Be a Gardener episode 1: You'll need to know what sort of soil you have, how much light there is and the prevailing weather conditions. You wouldn’t dream of moving into a house without taking a look at the area. It’s the same in a garden. Before you can grow anything, you need to know what sort of conditions you have. Then you can choose plants that are suited to them. There really is no need to waste money on plants that will hate your environment. You’ll need to know what sort of soil you have, how much light there is and the prevailing weather conditions. Is it a windy site, a particularly cold one, or is it sunny and sheltered? All the information you need to succeed is here. This online resource, prepared in collaboration with the Royal Horticultural Society, will bring life to your learning. There will be eight modules in all. You can work through them, or simply dip in, it’s up to you. The modules cover everything you need to know to give you a great start in gardeni

Gardeners’ World episode 5 2017

Monty gives his advice on the best apples and pears to grow in small spaces when he begins to plant up his new fruit garden and gets on with planning for colour when he plants summer flowering bulbs. As April gets underway, Carol Klein chooses the humble primrose as her plant of the month, and we meet a couple from Yorkshire who have a passion for growing fruit and have filled their garden with over 100 fruit trees. And as part of the programme's 50th anniversary, Joe Swift makes the case for his golden jubilee plant, the one he thinks has had the most impact on British gardens over the last half century. Gardeners’ World episode 5 2017 ​ Grow Your Own: Broccoli Broccoli has had a resurgence in popularity – for its high vitamin content and anti-cancer agents. It is a fast-growing and easy-to-grow crop, producing bluish-green heads that are harvested in the summer or autumn, depending on the time it is sown. The sprouting types – white or purple sprouting – are hardy and overwinte