The Beechgrove Garden 2016 ep.4

In the Beechgrove Garden, Jim is attempting to turn yellow into green as he tackles the lawn, which has turned a washed-out yellow after all the rains of winter. And continuing the theme of upgrading the 20-year-old Beechgrove Garden, Jim takes on an unloved corner of the low-maintenance garden, removing a rotting fence and pruning a wayward quince. This post was moved : beechgrove-garden-episode-4-2016 / Brian Cunningham visits the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, which is home to one of the most impressive alpine collections in the world, for inspiration as to how to recreate that in miniature back in Beechgrove. This week Jim, Carole and Chris started off the programme on the Main Lawn. It was a cool spring day and it was all hands to the pump to make over the lawn after the wet winter. The first job was to get rid of the moss which was clogging up the lawn. Chris was scarifying the lawn by machine and Carole ...