Gardening Australia ep.8 2016

Jane explores the new courtyard gardens at the Shrine of Remembrance; Costa meets a passionate fig farmer; Josh visits a contemporary courtyard garden and we meet an expert bromeliad grower. Gardening Australia ep.8 2016 1. A Creative Courtyard Josh visits a gorgeous contemporary courtyard garden in south Fremantle and meets owner and landscaper Linda Green 2. A Garden to Remember Jane visits Melbourne's Shrine of Remembrance and explores four new courtyard gardens inspired by the environments in which soldiers fought 3. Plant Profile - Hosta Tino takes a look at the Hosta - a plant that loves shade 4. Forever Figs Costa meets a passionate Sydney farmer who's been growing figs and prickly pears for 40 years 5. The Garden Gang Find out what the presenters have been busy doing in the garden 6. My Garden Path - Viktor Przetocki We meet expert bromeliad grower and keen collector Viktor Przetocki whose garden is overflowing with thousands of these plants 7. Propagatin...