Gardening and Horticulture 03-2015

If there's one flower that's fallen foul of fashion in recent times, it's the once-popular chrysanthemum. Monty Don thinks that they're well worth revisiting and shows us how to get them off to a flying start. And if you're thinking of giving your garden a bit of a spring revamp, Joe Swift has some helpful suggestions to get things going. Moved here : Gardening how to's : 1.Prune shrub roses Now that the weather is beginning to warm up, this is your last chance to prune your shrub roses. Remove any damaged or crossing stems and cut back hard any weak shoots. The main framework of the plant should only be trimmed back by a third. The biggest mistake with shrub roses is to overprune. 2. Lift & divide snowdrops As the flowers start to fade, it’s a good time to lift and divide snowdrops. With a trowel or spade, gently lift a clump of bulbs and carefully divide into smaller clumps and s...