The Secret Genius of Modern Life episode 11 - Headphones

The Secret Genius of Modern Life episode 11 - Headphones

If you're fascinated by the intricate world of modern technology and its impact on our daily lives, "The Secret Genius of Modern Life episode 11 - Headphones" is a must-watch. Available on, this episode offers an enlightening journey into the evolution of headphones, guided by the insightful Hannah Fry.

In this captivating episode on, Fry takes us to the renowned headquarters of Bose, a legendary name in the headphone industry. Here, she explores the minute details of contemporary earbud technology and meets the 'golden ears'—individuals with an exceptional ability to discern subtle nuances in sound. This unique exploration sheds light on the unseen intricacies behind the miniature design of headphones, which have become an indispensable accessory for over 30 million people in the UK.

But the story of headphones is more than just about technology. This episode on delves into unexpected historical events that played a pivotal role in their development. Learn about the Korean War's influence on noise-cancelling technology and how a muted Mormon church service contributed to the popularization of headphones. Moreover, discover the surprising connection between an opera singer's experience with electric shock therapy and the invention of the speaker, highlighting how innovations often occur in the most unexpected ways.

Watching this episode on will deepen your appreciation for the complex history and technological advancements that have transformed headphones from mere gadgets into essential tools in our daily lives. It's an intriguing narrative that weaves together science, history, and innovation, providing a comprehensive understanding of this everyday object.

Don't miss "The Secret Genius of Modern Life episode 11 - Headphones" on, where you'll embark on an auditory adventure, uncovering the secrets and stories behind the headphones that connect us to the world.

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