Gardening Australia ep.22 2017

Gardening Australia provides practical, realistic and credible horticultural and gardening advice, inspiring and entertaining gardeners around the world. Josh visits a magnificent forest; Sophie gets some rose-pruning advice from an expert; Costa helps out with some tree planting and guest presenter Carolyn Blackman shows us a garden designed for multiple uses. 1. Potting up Prickles Millie shows us how to pot up a cactus without getting hurt 2. Principles of Pruning Sophie gets some essential pruning advice from a young rose pruner 3. A Design for Life Guest presenter Carolyn Blackman gives us her top tips for designing a garden for an active family 4. Walking with Giants Josh visits a very special forest of ancient and beautiful tingle trees in WA's Walpole Wilderness Area 5. Excess Produce - Josh's Sauerkraut We show you how to make sauerkraut from excess cabbage 6. Future Forests Costa joins a revegetation team for National Tree Week to help restore some forme...