Gardening Australia ep.9 2016

Costa explores a large Queensland hillside garden; Sophie demonstrates three easy soil tests; John explores a historical, scientific garden and Jerry profiles unique edible perennials.

Gardening Australia ep.9 2016
Gardening Australia ep.9 2016

Edible Perennials
Jerry profiles a unique range of kitchen garden perennials and explains how to grow them
The Perfect Package
Costa explores a large Queensland hillside garden with stunning ornamental and productive areas
FAQ's - Washing Organic Vegies | Pelargonium | Leafs as Mulch
Josh explains the importance of washing organic vegies, Jane discusses how to improve pelargonium flowering and Tino tells us how to get the best out of autumn leaves
Know Your Soil
Sophie gives us the low-down on three easy soil tests for the home gardener
What a Tool - String!
Jerry shares the virtues of using string in the garden
Garlic Shoots
Josh shows a great use for small garlic cloves that are usually discarded
In a Class of It's Own
John Patrick explores a small, historical garden at Melbourne University that's still used by students as a living laboratory
Plant Profile - Shrub Rose
Sophie profiles the hardy shrub rose
Tino shows us a clever way to trap water on sloped ground

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